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Rema BD10 Blow Down Tank


Brand: Rema

Rema BD10 Blow Down Tank

This high-quality Rema BD10 Blow Down Tank helps clean sludge build-up from inside your boiler.

Blowdown tanks are a crucial part of every boiler system. Even if you are using the best pre-treatment systems available, your boiler feed water can contain impurities, such as dissolved solids.

These impurities can accumulate and wreak havoc on the steam traps, piping, and even process equipment of your boiler. Over time, impurities cause a buildup of sludge, which has a dramatic impact on the efficiency and capabilities of your boiler.

Blowdown tanks solve this problem in two ways: surface water blow-down is performed continuously to reduce how many dissolved solids are able to accumulate in the water, and bottom blow-down is used periodically to clean out the sludge on the bottom of the boiler.

Why Choose This?

  • Ensures your boiler stays clean and operates at maximum efficiency with lower operating costs
  • Reduces how many impurities and dissolved solids are able to accumulate in the water
  • With a blowdown tank, your boiler will require less water, less fuel, and fewer chemical treatments
  • The steam released from the boiler will be much cleaner
  • Solid steel construction
  • Small footprint
  • Low maintenance
  • See full specifications.



Book your FREE machine consultation today

Interested in understanding if this machine is right for your needs, budget, location, and purpose? Contact Bill at UDS for a FREE no-obligation consultation today. We can expertly help you make the right choice.  02 9688 2022 or 0425 305 530.

SKU: SKU580 Category:
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