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Commercial Dry Cleaning Machines: Italclean Machine Review

When it comes to high-performance commercial and industrial drycleaning machines, Italclean stands as a reputable name in the industry. ITALCLEAN is a company based in Italy and specialised in the manufacture of Professional Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning Machines and Industrial Laundry Machines. Their machines are based on the concept of “easy maintenance”, designed to provide customers […]


7 Best Commercial Dry Cleaning Machine Brands

  Dry cleaning is a highly specialised industry that requires commercial grade machinery and equipment in order to service clients to the highest level. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at 7 best commercial dry cleaning machinery and finishing equipment brands available to the Australian and New Zealand dry cleaning and laundry industry. […]


5 Best Laundry Detergents for Commercial Dry Cleaners Australia

Commercial dry cleaners in Australia rely on high-quality laundry detergents to ensure their customers’ clothes are clean and well-maintained. With so many options on the market, choosing the right laundry detergent can be a daunting task. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best laundry detergents for commercial dry cleaners in Australia. Our list […]


5 Best Commercial Dry Cleaning Chemicals & Products in Australia

We’ve compiled our list of 5 popular commercial dry cleaning chemicals and products across Australia. These are must-haves for maintaining a high quality laundry finish for your clients or guests. From hydrogen peroxide to perchloroethylene, read on to learn more about each of these products and how they can benefit your laundry operations. 1. Hydrogen […]

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