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August 29, 2024

Best Laundry Detergents for Commercial Dry Cleaners Australia

Commercial laundry Australia

At UDS, we recognise the unique challenges faced by commercial laundries. That’s why our detergents are meticulously formulated to deliver powerful cleaning, tackle even the toughest stains, and maintain fabric integrity—all while being cost-effective. Professionals across Australia trust our products for their hygienic care, exceptional value and long lasting results.

In this blog we’ll introduce you to some of our top-performing commercial laundry detergents and chemicals. Each product has been carefully chosen to address specific needs, whether looking for a versatile all-purpose detergent or a specialised solution. With UDS, you can be confident that your laundry operations will run smoothly, and your results will speak for themselves.

Explore our range and discover how UDS can help your business achieve its best.

Laundry Powder, Clean & Brite


Sodium Perborate (13.5%)


Sodium Hydrosulphite


Sodium Pyrophosphate


Laundry Liquid Classic


Fabric Softener Classic


Fabric Softener Premium






Universal Rust Remover 5lt


Laundry Sour


Need help with laundry detergents, parts and machines for your commercial dry cleaning or laundromat operation across Australia or New Zealand?

Universal Dry Cleaning Solutions (UDS) offer a range of high-quality commercial laundry products and machines that can help your achieve high quality and professional results. Whether you’re operating a hotel, hospital, laundromat or other commercial laundry, we can help.

Shop online for Wholesale Laundry Supplies right here.

Useful links

Commercial Laundry Supplies and Equipment Melbourne

Commercial Laundry Solutions and Equipment Queensland

Commercial Laundry Supplies and Equipment Adelaide

Commercial laundry Equipment Perth SA

Commercial Laundry Equipment Hobart

Laundry Supplies Wholesale Australia and New Zealand

About UDS
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