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Brand: Italclean


The Italclean Miniclean is a small and revolutionary perchloroethylene dry cleaning machine. Based on the concept of simple operation and maintenance, it is the best solution for small businesses, with reduced consumption and without the need for an air compressor.

Why Choose This?

  • Electric or steam heating
  • Closed-circuit with copeland scroll refrigerator
  • 1 or 2 self-cleaning nylon discs filter
  • Double air filter
  • Automatic self-cleaning tanks of high capacity
  • Inverter (basket rotating speed tuner)
  • Still, button trap, air channel, separator, and filters housing in stainless steel
  • Button trap automatic drying
  • Thermal overload relays on all motors
  • Still float switch level control
  • 3 Danfoss valves for saving water
  • See full specifications.

Book your FREE machine consultation today

Interested in understanding if this machine is right for your needs, budget, location, and purpose? Contact Bill at UDS for a FREE no-obligation consultation today. We can expertly help you make the right choice.  02 9688 2022

SKU: SKU577 Category:
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