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Sleevers Flexiform


Supplier: UDS

Sleevers Flexiform

The Flexiform Sleevers are designed to provide a crisp, professional finish to garment sleeves, making them an essential addition to any dry cleaning or laundry operation.

Why Choose This?

  • Achieve a clean, sharp finish on garment sleeves
  • Flexiform Sleevers are built to withstand frequent use, offering reliable performance.
  • The ergonomic design ensures quick and easy application
  • Suitable for various garments.

Delivery Options:

  • We proudly offer a FREE pick-up service from our Sydney office.
  • Same-day and emergency deliveries are available.
  • Standard delivery is 2- 5 business days.
  • See our delivery rates, options, and schedule here.
SKU: c352 Category:
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